[REVIEW] THE POTIONS Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, and Jojoba Oil Serum (Bahasa Indonesia & English) | Bintang Mahayana

Tuesday, December 07, 2021
Di postingan kali ini gue mau review The Potions brand asal Korea yaitu Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, dan Jojoba Oil Serum di kulit normal to dry. Sebelumnya terima kasih untuk The Potions dan Go Picky karena udah ngasih kesempatan untuk cobain ketiga produk ini. 
Buat kalian yang penasaran sama brand yang lagi rising ini, lanjut baca review ini sebagai referensi sebelum membeli, yaa!
Keep on reading!

The Potions Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, and Jojoba Oil Serum
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021


In this blogpost, I will review a K-Beauty Brand, The Potions which are Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, dan Jojoba Oil Serum in normal to dry skin. Firstly, thank you so much for The Potions and Go Picky for giving me a chance to try and review these products. For those who are looking forward to knowing more about this currently rising brand, let's take a look at my reviews as your reference prior purchasing!
Keep on reading!


THE POTIONS -- merupakan sebuah brand kecantikan yang berasal dari Korea dengan misi utama menghadirkan efisiensi. The Potions menawarkan solusi cerdas, solusi cepat bagi kulit untuk kalian mix and match sesuai dengan kebutuhan. The Potions tidak bertele-tele dan mengolah setiap esens dari olahannya untuk mengatasi masalah kulit apapun dalam kondisi apapun. Bangun simpel K-Beauty routine yang tepat bagi kulitmu bersama The Potions. (Sumber: https://coreelle.com/collections/the-potions)


THE POTIONS -- a Korean brand with efficiency as the heart of their mission. The Potions offers smart, speedy skin solutions ready for you to mix and match to your needs. The Potions cut the fuss and refined the essence of each potion to tackle any skin problem, in every scenario. Build your own simplified K-Beauty routine that's just right for you.

(Source: https://coreelle.com/collections/the-potions)


The Potions Peptide Ampoule
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

   Nama Produk/ Product Name: The Potions Peptide Ampoule
Nama Brand/ Brand Name: The Potions
Negara Asal/ Country of Origin: Korea
Jenis Kulit/ Skin Type: All Skin Type/ Best for Combination to Oily
Ukuran/ Size: 20ml/ 0.67 fl.oz.
Harga/ Price: IDR279,000
Alcohol: No
Fragrance: No

The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

  Nama Produk/ Product Name: The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule
Nama Brand/ Brand Name: The Potions
Negara Asal/ Country of Origin: Korea
Jenis Kulit/ Skin Type: All Skin Type/ Best for Normal to Dry
Ukuran/ Size: 20ml/ 0.67 fl.oz.
Harga/ Price: IDR279,000
Alcohol: No
Fragrance: No

The Potions Jojoba Oil Serum
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

 Nama Produk/ Product Name: The Potions Jojoba Oil Serum
Nama Brand/ Brand Name: The Potions
Negara Asal/ Country of Origin: Korea
Jenis Kulit/ Skin Type: All Skin Type/ Best for Normal to Dry
Ukuran/ Size: 20ml/ 0.67 fl.oz.
Harga/ Price: IDR279,000
Alcohol: No
Fragrance: No


The Potions Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, and Jojoba Oil Serum Ingredient List
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021


Packaging The Potions Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, dan Jojoba Oil Serum ketiganya terdiri dari paper box berwarna dasar putih. Bedanya, untuk Peptide dan HA Ampoule , di bagian atas terdapat aksen berwarna silver sedangkan untuk Jojoba Oil Serum berwarna rose gold. Nama brand terletak pada warna aksen kemasan dengan text direction rotated 90° ke kanan dan berwarna putih, yaitu tulisan "THE POTIONS". Untuk layout kemasan luarnya ini cukup mengingatkan dengan brand asal Canada, The Ordinary by Deciem.

Baca Juga: [REVIEW] The Ordinary Retinol 0.2% in Squalane - Safe for Retinol Beginner?

Informasi yang tertera di kemasan luar ada nama brand, nama produk, ukuran produk, cara pemakaian, komposisi produk, peringatan, barcode, tanggal kedaluwarsa, nomor batch produksi, nama distributor, dan beberapa penjelasan dalam Bahasa Korea. Tidak ada logo Period After Opening (PAO).


The Potions Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, and Jojoba Oil Serum packaging are made of white paper box. The distinction of the three is in the accent color on top of the packaging. For Peptide and HA Ampoule are colored in silver. While for Jojoba Oil Serum appeared in rose gold color. The brand name is printed on the accent color of the packaging with text direction rotated 90° to the right in white color that says "THE POTIONS". To be honest, the outer packaging layout kind of reminding me to a Canadian Beauty Brand, The Ordinary by Deciem.

Informations those are printed on its outer packaging consists brand name, product name, product size, direction, ingredient list, warning, barcode, expiry date, batch number, distributor name, and some informations given in Korean Hangeul. No information for Period After Opening (PAO) is provided.

The Potions Peptide Ampoule
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

The Potions Jojoba Oil Serum
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021


The Potions Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, and Jojoba Oil Serum Texture
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

Tekstur produk dari paling ringan ke kental yaitu Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, kemudian Jojoba Oil Serum. Untuk tekstur Peptide Ampoule sejujurnya terlalu ringan sampai rasanya hampir tidak pakai ampoule sama sekali. Makanya, di 'Product Details', gue rekomendasikan Peptide Ampoule lebih untuk kulit combination to oily.

Kalau mau pakai water-based ampoule (Peptide dan HA), pastikan kulit dalam keadaan lembab. Memang akan lebih nyaman jika menggunakan hydrating toner terlebih dahulu. Terakhir, bisa sealing semua hidrasi dengan menggunakan oklusif dari Jojoba Oil Serum. Supaya kelembaban kulit bisa bertahan lebih lama Tetapi, face oilnya hanya gue pakai di malam hari aja biasanya. Soalnya, kalau dipakai pagi hari dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu kinerja SPF dari sunscreen yang kita gunakan.


Product texture from the lightest to the heaviest are: Peptide Ampoule, Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, kemudian Jojoba Oil Serum. For Peptide Ampoule, to be honest I found it to be too lightweight for my skin to the extent that I almost feel like applying nothing on my skin. Thus, in 'Product Details', I mentioned that this will be best recommended for combination to oily skin type.

Prior using the water-based ampoule (Peptide and HA), make sure you're going to apply it on a damped skin. Because the feels would be more comfortable on the skin given that you had applied hydrating toner in advance. Lastly, you can also seal all the hydration underneath by applying the occlusive substance, Jojoba Oil Serum. Therefore, your moisture will stay longer throughout the night while you are sleeping. But, face oil is best to use only at night because it might potentially confuse your Sun Protecting Factor (SPF) in sunscreen, if you used it in the morning.


pH Level kulit normal biasanya berada pada kisaran 5-5,5. Namun, sebenarnya konsep tentang pH kulit tidak sesederhana itu. Hanya saja, untuk cari aman sebagai awam, gue sendiri biasanya menoleransi produk dengan pH 5-6, kecuali cleansers yang bisa sampai pH 7 (netral).

Untuk pH level The Potions Peptide Ampoule dan Jojoba Oil Serum adalah pH 5, sedangkan untuk pH level The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule adalah pH 6. Untuk pengukuran pH ini gue hanya ukur sekali masing-masing produk tidak 2 kali seperti review lainnya. Sebenarnya tidak ada alasan khusus, sih selain mager hehehe. Tetapi pengukuran kedua biasanya hanya naik 1 tingkat. Jadi pH kisaran 5-6 untuk Peptide Ampoule dan Jojoba Oil Serum dan pH kisaran 6-7 untuk Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule karena biasanya mixed dengan layering skincare sebelum atau sesudahnya. Jadi, kalian bisa tahu perubahan pH produk yang terjadi jika produk dilayer dengan produk lainnya. 

The Potions Peptide Ampoule pH Level Test
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule pH Level Test
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

The Potions Jojoba Oil Serum pH Level Test
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021


Normal skin pH level range between 5 to 5.5. But, actually skin pH concept is not quite that simple. Hence, as an amateur, I personally can tolerate product pH that that range between 5 to 6, except for cleansers that might reach up to 7 (neutral).

pH level of The Potions Peptide Ampoule and Jojoba Oil Serum are pH 5, while pH level The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule is pH 6. To measure the pH level, I only did once per product. Not twice as I usually did in other reviews. Actually, there was no particular reason beside I was too lazy to do so (lol). But, usually the second measurement only add one pH level up. So, the overall pH might range between 5 to 6 for Peptide Ampoule dan Jojoba Oil Serum and pH range between 6-7 for Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule due to mixed use in skincare layering. So that you are able to notice how the product pH changed within your skincare layering with other products.


The Potions Peptide Ampoule and Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule Skin Analyzer Test
Image Source: Personal Doc./ Bintang Mahayana; 2021

Skin Analyzer Test hanya dilakukan pada water-based ampoule karena produk oil biasanya tidak akan menunjukkan perubahan apapun kalau diukur dengan alat ini. Untuk Peptide Ampoule, pemakaian digunakan di area pipi. Perubahan yang terjadi humidity level (kelembaban) meningkat dari 32% menjadi 59% (+27%)

Sedangkan untuk Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule, pemakaian hanya di area hidung dan kulit sekitar mulut. Perubahan kelembaban meningkat dari 15% menjadi 39% (+24%)


The Skin Analyzer Test was only conducted for water-based ampoule because pure oil-based product is usually do not show any difference in measurement by using this tool. For Peptide Ampoule, the usage was focused on cheeks area. The changes made had shown that skin humidity level increased from 32% to 59% (+27%).

Meanwhile, the Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule usage was focused on nose and skin around the mouth areaSkin humidity level increased from 15% to 39% (+24%)


Pros (+)
+ Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule efektif mengatasi dry patches di area hidung dalam 2 hari (AM-PM). Dibantu dengan pelembab yang melembabkan dan kaya akan humektan.

+ Jojoba Oil Serum mampu membantu mempertahankan kelembaban lebih lama di malam hari.

+ Ketiga produk tidak menimbulkan reaksi negatif sama sekali di kulit dan mudah dilayer dengan produk apa saja.

+ Packagingnya simple dan to the point. Kualitas pipetnya juga baik.

+ Produk bebas alkohol dan fragrance. Aman untuk kulit sensitif.

Cons (-)
- Masing-masing produk memiliki targeted ingredients. Sehingga kurang beginner-friendly. Cenderung mendapatkan benefit hanya dari satu jenis ingredient saja. Meskipun memang konsep brand-nya seperti ini.

- Harganya termasuk mahal untuk size 20ml saja.

- Peptide Ampoule nya meskipun menunjukkan peningkatan kelembaban, tetapi di kulit tidak bertahan lama dan cenderung terlalu ringan. Terutama bagi kulit normal to dry.


Pros (+)

+ Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule helps with dry patches in nose area within 2 days of usage (AM-PM). Also helped by moisturizer with rich humectant.

+ Jojoba Oil Serum helps retaining skin moisture throughout the night.

+ All products do not show any negative reaction and all are layering-friendly with other products as well.

+ Packagings are simple and to the point. The pipette tube quality is good.

+ Products are all free of alcohol and fragrance. Sensitive-skin friendly.

Cons (-)

- Each of the producrs are targetted ingredients. So, they're not so beginner-friendly. It is more likely we can only get the benefit from one single ingredient only. Though that's the concept of the brand themselves.

- The price is considered pricey compared to its size which is only 20ml.

- For Peptide Ampoule, eventhough the skin analyzer had shown the increase of skin humidity level,  unfortunately it doesn't last quite well and too lightweight in texture. Especially for normal to dry skin.


Ketiga produk mampu bekerja dengan baik hampir pada semua jenis kulit. Namun, khusus Peptide Ampoule, gue nggak terlalu merekomendasikan bagi normal to dry skin type. Kecuali kalian tipe yang punya banyak layering dalam skincare routine.

Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule bisa digunakan oleh semua jenis kulit. Nggak bikin gerah meskipun dipakai di pagi hari. Bisa juga digunakan sebagai buffer sebelum menggunakan retinol.

Jojoba Oil Serum sangat baik untuk mengunci seluruh hidrasi dari water-based ampoule. Buat gue teksturnya cukup ringan tetapi harus dihangatkan dulu di telapak tangan. Jadi, bisa meresap ke dalam kulit dengan lebih baik dan tidak menimbulkan kesan berminyak keesokan paginya. Namun, produk ini nggak gue rekomendasi untuk digunakan di pagi hari, yaa. Soalnya bisa mengganggu kinerja SPF dari sunscreen yang kita gunakan.


All these 3 products works well for almost all skin types. But particularly for the Peptide Ampoule, I do not recommend that much for normal to dry skin type. Unless you got tons of skincare layering in your skincare routine.

The Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule works well in any kind of skin type I bet. It doesn't suffocate my skin even during the day. Best for buffering prior retinol usage as well.

The Jojoba Oil Serum is best to seal all the hydration given by the water-based ampoules. It is lightweight for me if I warm it up first on my palm. So that it penetrate my skin better and doesn't leave greasy feeling in the morning. However, I do not recommend this for AM Routine as it might confuse your sunscreen SPF.

- Bintang Mahayana©️2021

Disclaimer On

- Not a dermatologist or expert. For consultation please see your dermatologist.

- This review is sponsored by Go Picky and The Potions Global. But I am entitled for my own opinion to give honest review based on my experience.

- Please do not steal my pictures and copy my reviews for whatever purposes. Except for the brands involved in this review.

- Results may vary due to different skin and environmental condition. Please take my review for your reference only.


  1. produknya the potion yang pernah kucoba itu baru azulene ampoule aja, itupun tricky di kulitku yang berjerawat.

    untuk ketiga produk ini aku belum pernah cobaaa, tadinya kukira tekstur HA lebih ringan dan peptide mba :D. kalau ketiganya dipakai secara bersamaan (layering) gapapa mba?

    1. Aku bisa layering ketiganya sih. Soalnya beneran si peptide nya kyk ga pake apa2. HA nya kentalnya jg ga seberapa kalo dibanding L'Oreal Revitalift yg bener2 tacky. Ini HA nya ga setacky itu di kulit. Tapi biasanya sebelum pake Jojoba oil aku selingin sama moist watery cream gt. Kalo udh meresap lgsg seal pake oil nya. Lembabnya berasa sampe pagi👍🏻

  2. ingredients jojoba oilnya to the point banget ya kak 😆 aku juga suka banget jojoba oil buat di tahap terakhir skincare, ngeseal semua skincare sebelumnya 😁

    1. Iya pede bgt dia "gue jojoba oil mau apa lagi?" Wkwk. Yup enak bgt diseal pake face oil lembabnya berasa sampe besok paginya. Tp kalo pagi aku ga pake sih. Soalnya takut mengacaukan SPF si sunscreen😂

  3. Keren banget kak bintang reviewnya lengkap bgt mengupas setajam silet wkwk. Ah sayang ku blm icip" nih padahal kayanya bagus nih yah 🥺. Kalo yg oil kayanya masih agak ragu mau make.

    1. Aweee thank you Kak Kariiin wkwk untung ga pake gossip yaa😅 Tungguin pas flash sale aja di Toko Oren. Sering diskon dia. Kalo full price agak lumayan abisan🥲


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